Internal Family Systems (IFS)

What is IFS ?

IFS is a relatively new form of psychotherapy, started by Richard Schwartz in the 1980s. The principles of IFS are that we all have parts within ourselves; sub-personalities who have different perspectives, knowledge and intentions.

Unlike the medical model which offers a range of diagnoses to understand our psychological symptoms, IFS sees our symptoms as being linked to a part that is trying to protect us in some way. These parts are often rooted in overwhelming or traumatic experiences we had when we were younger and believe we are still in danger long after events have passed, a key feature of trauma. These symptoms can manifest in ways that we would traditionally label with a diagnosis e.g. depression, OCD, social anxiety, health anxiety etc.

IFS offers a map for understanding our parts and easing the distress that can arise from extreme parts who feel threatened. This can be done in therapy but also with skills learned in therapy to use outside of sessions.