Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

What is CBT?

CBT is a form of talking therapy that helps people recognise and identify the role that their thoughts (cognitions) have on what they do (behaviours). By making links between what we do, think and feel, CBT can help us make positive changes to our cognitions and behaviours. Making these changes can help us feel better. Unlike some of the other talking treatments, it focuses mostly on 'here and now' problems and difficulties. Instead of concentrating on the root causes of your distress or symptoms, it looks for ways to improve your mood in the present.

From a CBT perspective, it's not necessarily the event that makes us feel a certain emotion, but how we interpret it - what we think or what meaning we give that event or situation. CBT can help you make sense of overwhelming problems by breaking them down into smaller parts, making it easier to see how they are connected and how they affect you. Get in touch today to find out more about cognitive behavioural therapy in Cork.